Everyone has heard the old phrase, “You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.” In the business world, this can manifest in some shady dealings. But there are plenty of ways to honestly network and find business solutions that are mutually beneficial to multiple companies. You can help each other spread the word about your businesses.

There are lots of good reasons to seek out these kinds of symbiotic relationships within your communities. It helps to elevate your business; it gives you a good rapport with customers and neighbors. And it connects you more deeply to the community that your business is a part of! No one operates in isolation and embracing these connections can be a secret to success.

Trade Links

One of our recommended methods for businesses helping each other out is to trade links. We have been writing about the importance of Link Building on our blog recently. Links improve your search rankings; they verify the authenticity of your website; they even help more people find your website. You can’t have too many links to your website floating around on the internet.

While there are many ways to acquire links, today we are suggesting that you trade links with another business. By this, we mean that you and a fellow business owner both agree to link to the other on your own websites, thereby creating a pathway between them. Both websites benefit from this arrangement and there is no downside! You can reach out to businesses you connect with to ask about this. They are so simple to set up: it only takes a few minutes!

Frontier Landscaping has a dedicated page on their website to link to their affiliates.

Think of who you interact with daily. Suppliers, media outlets, community organizations, charities, your accountant, your web company…The list goes on and on! Look for sites who have an audience within your target demographic.

Reach out to these people and ask if they would like to trade links with you.

Would you like to Trade Links with Everbearing Services? Send us an email and let’s chat about the possibilities! Do you want to learn more about why link building is important? Scroll down to read our latest blog.


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