We all understand the Internet is a veritable fount of information (content), much of it useful and relevant, and a challenge to find and wade through. Some content is not so useful, but seemingly easier to come across.
Content is many things; written words (on website, Facebook, e-newsletters, Twitter, blogs, reviews, press releases, Google+, Pinterest, etc.), photos, videos, online catalogs, online inventory, and links to other sites.
Passion does not replace planning… to be successful on the Internet companies need to strategically plan their Internet presence, and manage, monitor and adjust their content. Companies need to provide visitors with the content they want, when they want it, wherever they are and then get out of the way.
You are not done once your initial keyword-loaded content in place, as the search engines constantly demand more relevant information to match up with peoples search queries. This is where social media come into place – as social networking tools allow frequent posting of unique content to feed the engines and provide new, relevant content for your audience.
So, when you need more content for your website, it’s easy to jump into a social networking tool. You might start publishing blog posts, for example, because that’s what everyone’s doing. Let’s look at content generation and posting from a different angle. Instead of starting with a social tool, start with aspects of your company’s strengths. Consider the assets that separate your company from your competitors.
The most valuable content for companies is often user-generated – reviews, Facebook conversations, Tweets, comments to Blog posts, Pinterest boards and more. One content resource many companies overlook is the industry knowledge shared by their employees.
Is the expertise of your salespeople an asset? Whatever you resources are, turn them into content that will attract more site traffic and sales leads. Retailers can tap into the expertise of their employees. Improve homepage traffic by featuring “store experts” in display ads, and encourage employees to create online profiles on the company website. As you build employee profiles you provide good content for your site and help build relationships with customers. You can gradually build the pages and profiles.
Here are five steps to good, quality leads:
- Create profiles of salespeople – including photos, videos, blog posts, link to send an email, info on area of expertise
- Give incentives to employees to contribute
- Emphasize your team’s expertise
- Raise customer awareness – with display ads, navigation to Profiles, feature pages in your print media and in-store signage, have calls to action
- Create and track leads via email – visitors can click to email a specific salesperson from each of their profile pages
As you provide relevant content you are naturally generating links. Make content marketing the center of your SEO strategy. Your content marketing strategy should consistently be monitored and tweaked so it matches your audiences shifting tastes and emerging needs.
Site traffic should consistently be rising, but at the end of the day the most significant measurement is how it impacted conversion… and therefore sales. Become the source for what your visitors need to quench their immediate thirst… and have them, and their friends, return for more!